Yung-Shen Hsiao's music works include acoustic concert music, electro-acoustic music, and film music. His music has been selected and performed in various music festivals, concerts and electronic music centers in major cities of United Kingdom, United States, Italy, and Taiwan. In recent years, he has collaborated with several music ensembles such as Ensemble Variances (France), Quartuor Bozzini (Canada), Flangminco Duo (UK), Bristol New Music Ensemble (UK), Bristol Ensemble (UK). His composition works were selected for the 2017 64th International Rostrum of Composer Meeting, 2016 Bristol New Music Series, 2014 Bristol New Music Festival, 29th Asia Composer League Festival (2011), and Workshop on Computer Music and Audio Technology (WOCMAT 2007 and 2008). In 2010, he won the first prize of audio-visual composition of Taiwan Government Study Abroad Fellowship. He was a visiting researcher in CCRMA, Stanford University during 2007-2008, where he also studied electroacoustic composition. He received his MFA (Master in Fine Arts) degree in music from National Taiwan Normal University. He received his PhD in composition from University of Bristol.
PhD in Composition, University of Bristol, UK.
MMus in Composition, University of Bristol, UK.
Electroacoustic Composition in CCRMA (Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics), Stanford University, USA.
MFA in Music, University of National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Composition work selected in selected for the 2017 64th International Rostrum of Composer Meeting, Italy: “October's Opal for quarter”.(2017)
Composition work selected in 2016 Bristol New Music Series, UK: “Cina Cuma”for Baroque Trio. (2016)
Composition work selected in 2014 Bristol New Music Festival, UK: “Winter Fantasy”for String Quartet. (2014)
Composition work selected in 29th Asia Composers League Festival, Taiwan: “Drifting Rhythm”for 4 channels acousmatic music. (2012)
Composition PhD offer by: University of Bristol, Birmingham, Edinburgh, Sheffield, and York. (2011)
First Prize in Government Fellowship for Studying Abroad - Music:“Audio-Visual Composition”from Ministry of Education, Taiwan. (2011)
Composition work selected in WOCMAT2008, Taiwan:“Windy Hill”for flute and live interactive electronics, 8 channels. (2008)
Outstanding Award in National On-line Arts Creativity Competition (under the category of electroacoustic music) administered by the Ministry of Education, Taiwan:“ Windy Hill”, 2 channels tape version. (2007)
Outstanding Student Study-Abroad Scholarships from Ministry of Education in Taiwan. (2007)
Student Study-Abroad Scholarships from National Taiwan Normal University in Taiwan. (2007)
Composition work selected in WOCMAT2007, Taiwan:“The Door”, electroacoustic composition, 2 channels. (2007)
Second Prize in National On-line Arts Creativity Competition (under the category of electroacoustic music) administered by the Ministry of Education, Taiwan:“Jonathan Livingston Seagull”, electroacoustic composition, 2 channels. (2006)


英國布里斯托大學(University of Bristol)音樂作曲哲學博士(PhD)
英國布里斯托大學(University of Bristol)音樂作曲碩士(MMus)

美國史丹佛大學(Stanford University)電子聲響研究中心(CCRMA)訪問研究員

蕭永陞的音樂作品包括音樂會器樂、電子音樂與影像音樂,橫跨多元類型與東西方素材運用,聲響的詩意與融匯始終為他創作的核心要素。他的作品曾在英國、美國、義大利與台灣主要城市的音樂節與電子音樂中心獲選與演出。近年來,他的創作與來自世界各地的室內樂團與音樂家合作,如Ensemble Variances (法國), Quartuor Bozzini (加拿大), Flangminco Duo (英國), Bristol New Music Ensemble (英國), Bristol Ensemble (英國), UOB Baroque Trio(英國),希望兒童合唱團(屏東)、獨奏家Johan Löfving (瑞典), Yu-Wei Hu(台灣), 郭靖沐、吳亞欣、林文苑、薛雅文、林蕙萱、蘇綉雯、謝明諺、許馨方、黃立騰、余檣等。2022作品獲選於曲盟台灣(ACL)50週年紀念樂展中演出,2017作品獲選代表中華民國台灣於義大利參加聯合國教科文組織第64屆國際作曲家廣播會議(64th International Rostrum of Composer),其創作曾獲選演出於2016 Bristol New Music Series, 2014 Bristol New Music Festival, 29屆亞洲作曲家聯盟亞太音樂節(2011), 與國際電腦與音訊技術研討會之作品音樂會(WOCMAT 2007 and 2008)2010年他以第一名成績獲得中華民國教育部數位影音創作領域公費留學獎; 2007-2008年榮獲教育部精英留學獎以訪問研究員身份前往美國史丹佛大學電子聲學研究中心(CCRMA)學習電子音樂作曲; 20062008年分別榮獲國立台灣藝術教育館全國線上電腦音樂創意大賽優選與佳作獎項。2006年參與《奇美理想國》名琴典藏與錄製計畫,2009年於服役期間,受內政部役政署委託創作與製作公益歌曲單曲《夢想在飛》,2017年與動畫導演合作VR電影《哈瑪星列車》(The Train Hamasen)電影音樂於高雄電影節與世界各地電影節中上映。2022年製作與發行原創歌曲音樂專輯《那晚,旋律打了電話給我》。

蕭永陞曾就讀於師大音樂研究所(2004-2008),師事趙菁文教授(音樂理論與電腦音樂作曲)、連憲升教授(二十世紀音樂分析)、黃均人教授(音樂數位典藏)與Dr. Kris Falk(電影音樂理論與實務),並於2008年以碩士論文〈「夢諭」-從武滿徹晚期管絃樂作品探討「夢」的詩意形象及其音樂語言〉獲頒音樂碩士學位; 2007-2008在美期間曾隨Ge WangChris Chafe學習電子互動多聲道音樂技術與創作,並多次於CCRMA音樂會中發表創作成果; 在英攻讀作曲期間隨Dr. Neal FarwellDr. Michael Ellison教授學習當代音樂作曲,並與BBC作曲家William GoodchildMartin Kiszko學習電影管絃配樂與製作; 20152017年獲選參加第二屆與第三屆陳其鋼音樂工作坊。

目前任教於屏東大學音樂系,建構音樂數位創製中心(NPTU Muisc Studio)與數位音創跨藝學程(CDMTA)109110連續兩學年度榮獲文化部流行音樂人才培育-數位音創跨藝學程補助,擔任計畫主持人,致力於將當代多元音樂製作的觀念與技術融合於音樂創作與教學中。

