那晚,旋律打了電話給我 (音樂製作) 創作指導/製作人:蕭永陞 詞/曲/編曲/演唱/: Clown:吳予涵 你:高心恩 為世間發聲:林文勇 戲虐:許佳琪 人聲錄音:屏東大學 音樂數位創製中心 絃樂錄音:智冠音樂製作中心 技術指導:田雅欣/周岳澄/包紹祈(小包) 配唱指導: 伊勗賢(阿助) 混...
《夢的旋轉門》(為琵琶二重奏)蕭永陞(Hsiao, Yung-Shen) 作曲家:蕭永陞 琵琶:黃立騰、余檣 時間:2022/06/19 地點:兩廳院演奏廳 《妖・野》黃立騰琵琶獨奏會 兒時記憶是一種夢的通道:過去的記憶與未來的想像並非固定不變,我們是誰,與我們認為自己是誰,可以是交互影響且不斷變化的。此曲寫作過程,如童年時期好奇心地...
《翼》Wing (為古箏與電聲) - 蕭永陞 (Hsiao, Yung-Shen) Wing 翼(古箏與電聲) Composer: Hsiao, Yung-Shen Wing was inspired from the sounds created during the interaction of composer and Guzheng perfo...
A Glimmer of Light Ⅱ (為爵士七重奏)蕭永陞(Hsiao, Yung-Shen) 曲目: 浮光 Ⅱ A Glimmer of Light for flute, clarinet, cello, piano, saxophone, double bass, and drum 作曲 蕭永陞 編制與演奏家: 長笛 林文苑...
October's Opal - Hsiao, Yung-Shen 曲目: 十月的歐珀石 October's Opal for flute, clarinet, cello, and piano 作曲 蕭永陞 編制與演奏家: 長笛 林文苑 單簧管 林蕙萱 大提琴 薛雅文 鋼琴 吳亞欣
A Glimmer of Light - Hsiao, Yung-Shen 曲目:浮光 A Glimmer of Light for flute, clarinet, cello, and piano 作曲: 蕭永陞 編制與演奏家: 長笛 林文苑 單簧管 林蕙萱 大提琴 薛雅文 鋼琴 蘇綉雯...
輕輕地唱 - Hsiao, Yung-Shen Qisaceqalj|輕輕地唱 排灣族古謠 指揮:王雅萍 合唱團:希望合唱團 屏東大學絃樂團 吳聖穎、唐佳君/合唱編曲 蕭永陞/絃樂編曲 燭光音樂會 屏東演藝廳
Breeze through Pine - Hsiao, Yung-Shen Breeze through Pines (excerpt) Composer - Hsiao, Yung-Shen For Flute, Oboe, Percussions, Piano, Cello, and Violin This piece is inspire...
Winter Fantasy Concert (Quatuor Bozzini) - Hsiao, Yung-Shen Composer: Hsiao, Yung-Shen Performance @ 2014 Bristol New Music Festival T he work is inspired by "Nan-guan" music. The specia...
Windy Hill - Hsiao, Yung-Shen 8 CHANNELS INTERACTIVE ELECTRONIC-ACCOUSTIC MUSIC For flute, virtual Gu-Zheng and ChucK Composer: Hsiao, Yung-Shen Flute: Gina Windy Hill O...
Cina Cuma (鄒族祭歌) - Hsiao, Yung-Shen Cina Cuma (鄒族祭歌) Composer: Hsiao, Yung-Shen CINA CUMA is a ritual song of the Taiwanese aboriginal people “Tsou”. A long time ago, a ...
Drifting Rhythm - Hsiao, Yung-Shen Drifting Rhythm, for electronics (2010) Composer: Hsiao, Yung-Shen The sound shuttling between real and virtual, and exploring the rh...
哈瑪星列車 - Hsiao Yung-Shen 不同年代與文化背景的人們,一同生活在如夢如煙的世界:哈瑪星,高雄曾經最繁華的地帶。在這充滿回憶的世外之地,棋盤桌上的明爭暗鬥,已如煙霧般模糊不清,並且毫無隔閡融入舊市集的和諧氣氛。從天而降的列車,如電影般在銀幕上的月台進站,將大家齊聚一堂,展開了一趟穿越時空的...
October's Obal(十月的歐珀石) - Hsiao, Yung-Shen October's Opal (十月的歐珀石) Composer - Hsiao, Yung-Shen 靈感來自詩人Robert Savino詩作October’s Opal(十月的歐珀石),標題作為秋天的象徵:愉悅與歡樂的時光總是易逝的,但正如秋天的美一般,栩栩如生地...
Zoom(piano and live electronics guzheng sound) - Hsiao, Yung-Shen ZOOM (piano and live electronics guzheng sound) 鋼琴與電聲古箏 Composer: Hsiao, Yung-Shen This piece is inspired by the camera effect: ...
Dancing Rain - Hsiao, Yung-Shen Composer: Hsiao, Yung-Shen III. Dancing Rain Tiny raindrops falling in rhythm, becoming the music we are dancing. Commissioned by Flaug...
Monologue - Hsiao, Yung-Shen Composer: Hsiao, Yung-Shen IV. Monologue Looking at the stars in the twilight sky. Listening the sound of silence. Commissioned by Flau...
Wing 翼(古箏與電聲) - Hsiao, Yung-Shen Wing 翼(古箏與電聲) Composer: Hsiao, Yung-Shen Wing was inspired from the sounds created during the interaction of composer and Guzheng p...
Wind and Waves - Hsiao, Yung-Shen Composer: Hsiao, Yung-Shen II. Wind and Waves I am the wind. you are the wave; You and me, go together. Commissioned by Flaugissim...
Night Sky - Hsiao, Yung-Shen Composer: Hsiao, Yung-Shen I. Night Sky Stars twinkling, stars shining; Stars unveil mysterious sights that darkness covers in the nigh...
Winter Fantasy Rehearsal (Quatuor Bozzini) Composer: Hsiao, Yung-Shen The work is inspired by "Nan-guan" music. The special sound world of Nan-guan interested me in i...
鄒魂 - Hsiao, Yung-Shen 中文詞與曲:Dennis Hsiao 鄒語口譯:溫英傑、浦忠勇 / 紀錄:Ivan 編曲:Recycle 間奏副歌:鄒語傳統歌謠 Lead Vocal:Ivan Keyboard:Avai E.Guitar:老大、Poki BASS:吉吉 Drums...
The Door - Hsiao, Yung-Shen The Door Composer - Hsiao, Yung-Shen Through the Door, We can transfer to another space, The Door gives me the imagination. In music,...
Memory - Hsiao, Yung-Shen Memory fiction film Writer&Director: Zhang Bo Original music by Dennis Hsiao
Need For Speed - Hsiao, Yung-Shen Life is an endless fight. The death of the bell disclose the journey of proud and destiny.
作曲家 - 蕭永陞 英國布里斯托大學(University of Bristol) 音樂作曲哲學博士(PhD) 英國布里斯托大學(University of Bristol) 音樂作曲碩士(MMus) 國立臺灣師範大學音樂藝術碩士(MFA) 現任...